We're so pleased that you seek an alumni/ae mentor. Our CLY pilot program (supported by the Association of Yale Alumni (AYA) in cooperation with campus partners such as the Office of Career Strategy (OCS), Students and Alumni of Yale (STAY), the Yale College Council (YCC), the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS), Dwight Hall and the McDougal Center, will offer up to 250 students the chance to choose a mentor from among 500 alumni/ae volunteers..
Although we're hopeful that you'll benefit from your mentor--and we're grateful that you'd like to take part--we do ask that you keep in mind the following observations and caveats:
> Before we introduce you to your desired alum-mentor, we will require that each of you take part in a brief telephonic orientation call
> You understand and acknowledge that this is an informal/pilot program; and that the nature of your possible dialogue(s) with your alum-mentor (and whether, when, where and how she/he chooses to maintain such dialogues) cannot be predicted
>We expect you to keep your commitment to invest time and thought -- for no less than 6 months -- in your mentor-mentee relationship; this program will succeed only if you keep this commitment
>If at any time your dialogue (i.e., with your alum-mentor) raises concerns, please contact AYA Senior Director Steve Blum (stephen.blum@yale.edu -- 917-297-5904). He will then do his best to put you in touch with the appropriate member of the Yale administration.
> Because this is a pilot program, your feedback during and after the event will be critical in determining the value of the pilot and in making improvements in the future; please be sure to fill out surveys when you receive them.
We hope you find this pilot -- and your alum-mentor dialogue -- meaningful.
Kind regards,
Steve Blum '74 (Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives (AYA))
Nancy Stratford '77 (Vice Chair, AYA Board)