Part 2 – Qualifying Conditions for Medical Cannabis in Texas/Prescribing Medical Cannabis

Please complete the following post-test and evaluation questions. A CME certificate will be sent via email based on full participation in the CME activity as well as this evaluation survey. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. What is the length of time that someone must have symptoms in order to be classified as having cannabis use disorder?

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* 2. Which of these is not contraindicated for medical cannabis use?

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* 3. ⁠⁠Which of these is not an indication for medical cannabis use?

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* 4. Cannabidiol (CBD) interacts with multiple receptors in the body and its full range of effects are not yet fully understood

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* 5. Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. (1-Strongly Disagree to 5-Strongly Agree)

  1-Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly Agree
After participating in this educational activity, I am better able to identify conditions which may qualify a resident of the state of Texas to receive a prescription for medical cannabis from a certified provider; construct and implement therapeutic protocols that utilize cannabis as a core facet of patient treatment for qualifying conditions in the state of Texas; identify contraindications that should prevent a patient from receiving medical cannabis; recognize how cannabis was presented as a danger to the public at large and discuss which entities opposed its criminalization and why; discuss the CURT program and how it aims to assist the needs of the Texas patient population; list which receptor groups and enzymes interact with cannabinoids, describe roughly the effects of cannabinoid receptor activation, and interpret receptor distribution and density throughout the body; discuss the major therapeutic constituents of cannabis and how they interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to help achieve therapeutic outcomes; compare and contrast the differences between “hemp” and “cannabis” as specified in the 2018 farm bill, list commonly found terpenes within hemp and cannabis, and discuss some of the pharmacological activities and utilizations of terpenes; construct and implement therapeutic protocols that utilize cannabis as a core facet of patient treatment for specific qualifying conditions; and identify major contraindications to cannabis usage, recognize problematic cannabis use in patients who use cannabis, and explain how problematic use can be detrimental to therapeutic objectives.
This activity will result in a change in my practice behavior and improve my clinical skills.
This activity will enhance my efficacy in managing and treating patients.
This activity addressed barriers to my optimal patient management.
The speakers communicated effectively and achieved the outlined objectives.
I was adequately informed of the speakers' disclosure.
This presentation was fairly balanced and free of commercial bias.

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* 6. If bias was detected, what factors do you believe contributed to the bias?

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* 7. What three actions will you take or changes will you make as a result of the content delivered in this activity?

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* 8. Please list any comments you have about the speakers or the activity.

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* 9. What barriers exist that may prevent you from successfully making change in your practice?

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* 10. Please list any questions you have for the faculty about this webinar.

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* 11. Please list any unmet educational needs that TAFP can meet through future educational activities.

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* 12. Please list any general comments you have in regards to this activity (subject matter, format, faculty, technology, etc.)

Question Title

* 13. Please complete your contact information in order to receive your CME certificate. Certificates will be emailed to the email address provided below.

Thank you for participating in this enduring CME activity on medical cannabis. CME certificates will emailed to you within 10 business days of completion of the activity. Please contact TAFP at if you have any questions about the activity or CME credit.