What is this survey?
Many parts of the Marlborough and Kaikōura coasts have been affected by the Kaikōura earthquake, with some areas experiencing dramatic uplift effects. This has driven major changes in access to coast which in turn results in new interactions between people and the environment. Changes in recreational vehicle access and usage patterns are one example that has come into sharp focus in recent months in Marlborough, as reflected in the Marlborough District Council (MDC) initiative to develop a bylaw to help manage the changes that have occurred. In addition, there are likely to be other recreational activities that have been affected by the earthquake (both positively and negatively) but they are poorly understood. To assist the community in decision-making on these topics, the Marine Ecology Research Group is conducting this survey to help fill basic information gaps such as the types of activities that are practiced, their impacts (both positive and negative), and the locations that are most important. This contributes to our government-funded earthquake recovery research that has a focus on helping recovery efforts in coastal environments that were affected by the Kaikōura earthquake.
Why fill in this survey?
This online survey is intended to identify and collate this information for the benefit of all stakeholders and interested people in the wider community. Results from the survey can help to inform options for the current bylaw development process as well as providing useful information for future planning initiatives.
Who can fill in this survey?
Participating in the survey is voluntary. We invite participation from all interested people who are 18+ years of age (for informed consent reasons) and have information they would like to share. The survey is open-access and the questions are designed to be inclusive of a multitude of views on recreational uses and activities. Participants are free to define ‘recreation’ in a broad sense to ensure the survey is as inclusive as possible. Please note that this survey does not require your name or any sensitive information to be collected, nor does it seek organisational views on recreational activities or management topics. The results will be reported only at the aggregated level so responses from any individual survey will be not shared in any way.
Will I be able to see the results?
Yes! Following completion of the survey we will prepare summaries of the results and these will be made freely available via an online link. You may also be interested in other aspects of our earthquake recovery research that includes assessment of other changes in the coastal environment, and monitoring of the recovery process.
Enquiries and further information
This project has been reviewed and approved by the University of Canterbury Human Ethics Committee, and participants should address any complaints to The Chair, Human Ethics Committee, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch (human-ethics@canterbury.ac.nz).
Please forward this invitation to all people who may have an interest in this survey. Please also feel welcome to contact us for further information at any time.
I have read and understood what is required of me to participate in this survey.
By clicking “NEXT” button below, I consent to participate.
Thank you!
Ngā mihi,
Dr. Shane Orchard