
Welcome to the New Zealand Manufacturing Sector Talent Survey. This survey aims to provide insights into the current state of talent in one of New Zealand's key industries.

Manufacturing significantly contributes to our GDP, employment, and overall economic growth. Understanding talent dynamics in this sector is crucial as we face rapid technological advancements and global competition.

The survey captures a comprehensive view of the workforce, examining skill levels, recruitment challenges, and the impact of technological innovation. By gathering data from various manufacturing businesses, it seeks to identify trends, challenges, and growth opportunities.

As manufacturing becomes more automated and digitised, the demand for skilled talent evolves. Insights from this survey will help leaders, policymakers, and educators make informed decisions to strengthen the sector’s talent pipeline and ensure its long-term sustainability.

We invite you to complete this 5-minute survey by 31st July. Your responses will be confidential and anonymised. Thank you for your contribution.

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* 1. Which sector of manufacturing does your company belong to?

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* 2. How many full-time employees does your Company have?

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* 3. Where is your Business located?

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* 4. Is your business currently exporting?

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* 5. What percentage revenue growth is your business targeting over the next 3 years?

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* 6. How would you rate the availability of high skilled technical labour across the manufacturing sector in New Zealand?

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* 7. How would you rate the availability of low skilled / non-technical labour across the manufacturing sector in New Zealand?

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* 8. How would you rate the availability of mid-level management capability across the manufacturing sector in New Zealand?

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* 9. What is the biggest problem you are facing with finding talent? And do you feel this is confined to your region & industry?

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* 10. What tactics do you employ to attract & retain talent to your Company?

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* 11. Which options have you already used or are planning to use to combat the talent shortage?

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* 12. Focusing on the immediate issues arising from recent changes to immigration settings 7th April 2024 - How many Workers are impacted by this change in your Company?

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* 13. What is the approximate revenue & productivity impact of removing these Workers from your Company?

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* 14. Provide examples/stories of the impact on your Business anonymously here (alternatively, please email

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* 15. Which categories of visas are you most likely to engage with?

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* 16. Which role level are you currently struggling to fill, or do you anticipate having challenges filling over the next 12 months?

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* 17. if you selected 'high skilled technical' talent, please specify what those specific skills are. Where possible, please be specific on the following
a) the occupation(s)
b) the closest ANZSCO code or codes for this occupation
c) a description of the minimum qualifications and/or experience required for the skill set that is in shortage. (This may be different from what the ANZSCO describes)
d) whether these skills are taught in New Zealand

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* 18. if you selected 'mid-level management' talent, please specify what those specific skills are

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* 19. Do you believe New Zealand's current labour market can fill these roles?

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* 20. Have you previously used Contractors?

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* 21. Do you currently use Contractors?

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* 22. Do you have any other comments you wish to make?