Good Lives Manifesto: How did you use it Action for Good livesOver 400 Learning Disability England Members and partners came together to create the Good Lives Manifesto and share it with local candidates. We want to know more about the actions you took and responses you got. Question Title * 1. Tell us about yourself. Im a... Person with a learning disability Family and Friends Paid Supporter or professional working with people Researcher or Academic I would rather use another word to describe myself- tell us what it is Question Title * 2. If you are a member through an organisation please tell us which organisation Question Title * 3. What did you do with the Good Lives Manifesto before the General Election?You can tick any you did Write an e mail or letter to candidates in my area Speak to or meet with candidates in my area Give out copies of the manifesto to people I work or volunteer with Share it at a meeting that included other LDE Members Ask a question or share Good Lives at a Hustings meeting Write an e mail or letter to a national political party leader Share the Good Lives manifesto on Social Media or other online groups Tell my family and friends None of the above Anything else you want to tell us about? Question Title * 4. Did you get a reply or feedback from anyone you contacted? Yes No If yes, who was the response from and what did they say? Question Title * 5. Who is your MP now? Question Title * 6. Would you be open to writing to them about Good Lives in policy now they have been elected? Yes No Anything else you want to tell us? Question Title * 7. Would you be open to meeting your MP to talk about Good Lives? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Anything else you want to tell us? Question Title * 9. If you are happy for us to contact you, please leave your email address Email Address Page1 / 1 100% of survey complete. Done