Community Survey

The Board of Directors has appointed a Search Committee and hired GovHRUSA to conduct the recruitment and selection process for hiring Manchester's next General Manager.  The Board and Search Committee believe it is important to solicit feedback from the community and organizations regarding the characteristics and traits the new General Manager should possess as well as the opportunities and challenges they may face in that role.  

Your time completing the following survey is appreciated.  Please provide responses to the questions by September 24, 2021. All of your responses will remain confidential as they will be submitted directly to GovHRUSA, the consultants. 

Question Title

* 1. Are you a resident of the Town of Manchester, CT?

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* 2. What type of leader should Manchester have as its next General Manager? (Please select your 3 top choices)

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* 3. Which of the following management styles do you believe are essential for the General Manager to successfully lead Manchester? (Please select your 3 top choices.)

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* 4. Which of the following abilities and skills do you believe are most essential to perform the work of the General Manager? (Please select your top 3 choices.)

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* 5. Which of the following opportunities/challenges should the new General Manager prioritize as they enter the position? (Please select your top 5 choices.)

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* 6. Do you have any other comments related to the recruitment for Manchester's next General Manager?

Results of this survey may be subject to public disclosure. Individual responses are confidential.