Thank you in advance for taking the time to participate in this short survey about Your responses will be kept confidential and will not be linked to your activity on the website. Information collected from this survey will be used to improve the website. In particular, we are interested in your experience with the website since we implemented changes in February 2016.
STEP ONE: Please, spend a few minutes exploring the new Man Therapy web platform here:
STEP TWO: Read the note below, and if you agree to participate, continue on and give us your opinion of the Man Therapy experience.
The risks of participating in this discussion are minimal. We will be asking about sensitive topics like suicide and some people may experience anxiety or become emotionally upset during the discussion. If at any time you would like to speak with someone confidentially regarding any distress you might be experiencing, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK, a toll-free 24-hour crisis line. You can also join a confidential live chat at We will not actively monitor your suicide risk as part of this evaluation, but you can access many resources through, if needed. There are no direct benefits anticipated from participation in this evaluation. Still, your participation in this effort may be helpful to other individuals, and possibly even society at large and the scientific community’s understanding of mental health. You will not be compensated for your participation. Participation in this evaluation is entirely voluntary. If you decide to participate, you are free to refuse to answer any question or withdraw at any time without consequences. If you have questions about this discussion, you can contact Sally Spencer-Thomas (