Maine Marijuana Prevention Summit - We Need Your Input!

A small group of Maine prevention professionals is planning a Maine Marijuana Prevention Summit.  This will include a keynote presenter and a small number of breakout sessions or workshops.  We are releasing a short survey to the field to get some feedback on content and timing for this summit.
1.What are the top three challenges you, as a prevention or public health professional, are facing when it comes to marijuana prevention in your Maine community(ies)?(Required.)
2.If they are different, what are the top three challenges your communities are facing when it comes to marijuana in your Maine community(ies)? (The Summit will be open to people you invite or promote it to.)
3.What are the top two marijuana prevention topics you would want to see included in a marijuana prevention summit?  Topics that would be most relevant to the work you are doing in your region or community.

Examples: CBD, educating municipalities undecided on opting in, successful strategies for engaging the industry in prevention, educating the public and stakeholders on CBD vs Hemp VS marijuana (these are just examples to get you thinking, don't limit yourself to this list)
4.If you have recommendations for specific presenters for the topics you suggested in Question 3, please list them here along with their topic.
5.Preliminarily the group is considering October for a summit.  Please indicate any dates in October that should be avoided to prevent scheduling conflicts.
6.Do you think a half day or full day is preferable?(Required.)
7.Do you have any other comments or suggestions?
Thank you for your input!
For any questions related to this project, please e-mail Scott M. Gagnon, AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc. - 
Current Progress,
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