Maine Trafficking ID and Response Training Evaluation Question Title * 1. On what date did you participate in the training, Human Trafficking: Identification and Response In Maine? Date / Time Date Question Title * 2. In what county did you participate in the "Human Trafficking in Maine" training? Androscoggin Aroostook Cumberland Franklin Hancock Kennebec Knox Lincoln Oxford Penobscot Piscataquis Somerset Sagadahoc Waldo Washington York Question Title * 3. What discipline most closely reflects your profession? Domestic violence Sexual violence Housing Mental Health Substance Use Legal Services Refugee/Immigrant Services Healthcare or Medical Provider Faith-based Community-based Law enforcement Prosecution Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Please share how your knowledge or information changed as a result of this training: I understand of the prevalence and dynamics of human trafficking in Maine. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Before the training Before the training Strongly disagree Before the training Disagree Before the training Neutral Before the training Agree Before the training Strongly Agree After the training After the training Strongly disagree After the training Disagree After the training Neutral After the training Agree After the training Strongly Agree Question Title * 5. I have the ability to recognize indicators of trafficking: Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Before the training Before the training Strongly disagree Before the training Disagree Before the training Neutral Before the training Agree Before the training Strongly agree After the training After the training Strongly disagree After the training Disagree After the training Neutral After the training Agree After the training Strongly agree Question Title * 6. I know about resources for trafficking information and referral: Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Before the training Before the training Strongly disagree Before the training Disagree Before the training Neutral Before the training Agree Before the training Strongly agree After the training After the training Strongly disagree After the training Disagree After the training Neutral After the training Agree After the training Strongly agree Question Title * 7. The trainers: Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Were knowledgeable about the topic. Were knowledgeable about the topic. Strongly disagree Were knowledgeable about the topic. Disagree Were knowledgeable about the topic. Neutral Were knowledgeable about the topic. Agree Were knowledgeable about the topic. Strongly agree Were well-prepared. Were well-prepared. Strongly disagree Were well-prepared. Disagree Were well-prepared. Neutral Were well-prepared. Agree Were well-prepared. Strongly agree Answered my questions. Answered my questions. Strongly disagree Answered my questions. Disagree Answered my questions. Neutral Answered my questions. Agree Answered my questions. Strongly agree Were respectful. Were respectful. Strongly disagree Were respectful. Disagree Were respectful. Neutral Were respectful. Agree Were respectful. Strongly agree Held my interest. Held my interest. Strongly disagree Held my interest. Disagree Held my interest. Neutral Held my interest. Agree Held my interest. Strongly agree Question Title * 8. As a result of this training, one thing I will do differently is.... Question Title * 9. Is there anything else you'd like us to know? Done