Magic Pill Podcast Feedback Question Title * 1. Overall how would you rate the Magic Pill? Poor (★) Fair (★★) Good (★★★) Excellent (★★★★) Poor (★) Fair (★★) Good (★★★) Excellent (★★★★) Question Title * 2. Did the podcast improve your outlook on exercise? Not At All A Little I Notice a Difference I've Completely Changed Not At All A Little I Notice a Difference I've Completely Changed Question Title * 3. What did you think of the hosts? Unengaging Somewhat engaging Very engaging Extremely engaging Unengaging Somewhat engaging Very engaging Extremely engaging Question Title * 4. How would you rate the music? Poor Fair Good Excellent Poor Fair Good Excellent Question Title * 5. How did you find the length of the episodes? Too long Just right Too short Doesn't Matter Too long Just right Too short Doesn't Matter Question Title * 6. Did the Magic Pill live up to your expectations? It was worse than I expected It was exactly as I expected It was better than I expected It was different than I expected It was worse than I expected It was exactly as I expected It was better than I expected It was different than I expected Question Title * 7. Would you recommend the Magic Pill to a friend? Yes No Question Title * 8. How did you hear about the Magic Pill? Email newsletter Radio announcement website WBUR's Facebook / Twitter Other Question Title * 9. What was the best or worst part of the experience? Question Title * 10. What would you like to see in a Season 2 of Magic Pill? Next