Community Survey

Hello! Thank you for your interest in Mableton’s future. The City of Mableton is creating its inaugural Comprehensive Plan—a high-level, 20-year guide for investment and development in the community. This plan will inform future policy decisions around land use, transportation, and economic development, and other areas related to Mableton's development future.

This survey will take approximately 10–15 minutes and will help our planning team focus on the challenges and opportunities most important to our community. Thank you in advance for your time and input!

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1. What is your relationship to Mableton? (If you're unsure if you live within the city limits, you can look up your address on this page of the City's website.)

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2. The Comprehensive Plan will guide development and other activities in Mableton over the next 20 years. How do you envision the future of Mableton? Please choose up to three words to describe the future you would like to see.

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3. What are Mableton's greatest assets? Please choose up to three.

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4. What are Mableton's most urgent issues to address? Please choose up to three.

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5. Please tell us more about why you picked these particular issues.