Thank you for your interest in partnering with Hands On Atlanta for the FY25 Cohort! This two-year term will begin on August 1, 2024 and end on July 31, 2026. Please take time to thoughtfully answer the following questions so we can identify if your agency would benefit from this program.

Applications are due by 5pm on Wednesday, July 31.

Please fill this out to the best of your ability, if you do not have something in place for certain questions that is no problem! Simply enter ‘do not have a process’ in the answer box. This will help us understand which areas you could use our support.

Please visit to learn more, or email with questions.

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* 1. Partner Agency’s Full Legal Name:

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* 2. Agency Code:

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* 3. Agency Address:

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* 4. Agency County:

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* 5. Who will be the primary point of contact for Hands on Atlanta? (This person will post projects, mark attendance, attend all trainings, etc.)

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* 6. Please list the primary and secondary points of contact and the people who will attend the Hands On Atlanta trainings.

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* 7. Agency Days and Hours of Operation:

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* 8. Organization website:

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* 9. What type of Food Pantry Model do you operate?

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* 10. Where does your agency source your food?

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* 11. How often does your agency receive food?

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* 12. What are your main sources of funding for your food initiatives?

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* 13. Can you confirm your agency will have funding to continue operations for the next 24 months?

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* 14. Through this partnership you would receive:
  • Volunteer management software
  • Onsite volunteer check in
  • Automated emails to volunteers
  • Volunteer recruitment and marketing support
  • Weekly newsletter and social media promotion as needed
  • Customized volunteer management training
  • One on one consultation
  • Annual roundtable
  • Online community
  • Data tracking
  • Customized reports

Why are you interested in partnering with Hands On Atlanta?

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* 15. Which of these services would be most helpful for your agency? Check all that apply.

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* 16. What are the top 3 goals you hope to accomplish with this partnership?

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* 17. List the typical volunteer opportunities your organization offers.

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* 18. What is the maximum number of volunteers you can engage at one time?

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* 19. How could additional volunteers help your food pantry?

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* 20. How would you describe your pool of volunteers? For example:Are they mostly seniors; members of the associated church; long-term?

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* 21. How does a volunteer find out about service opportunities at your organization?

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* 22. How do you recruit new volunteers to serve in your pantry?

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* 23. How does a volunteer register or notify you that they are coming to a project?

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* 24. What happens when the volunteers arrive on site for a project?

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* 25. What happens after a volunteer project is completed?

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* 26. Do you currently track volunteers? Does this include reporting attendance?

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* 27. Listed below are what Hands On Atlanta and Atlanta Community Food Bank would expect of partners who recieve this grant. Please read and agree to all expectations listed below by checking the box next to each.

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* 28. How would you rate your level of comfort using technology (computers and the internet) from 1 being not at all comfortable to 10 being extremely comfortable?

1 5 10

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* 29. You will need access to a computer and the internet to access the Hands On Connect software. Do you have adequate equipment to support this work? Check all boxes that apply.

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* 30. What date is your organization able to begin this partnership?

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* 31. Is there anything else you want our team to know?

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* 32. Who completed this survey?

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* 33. Do you confirm everything listed in this application is true and accurate?

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100% of survey complete.