Insurance CE in Mazatlan

Renee Bryan, Owner & Primary Instructor at Bryan Ventures, is moving to  Mazatlán, Mexico the winter of November 2023 until May 2025. During this time, in-person insurance CE classes will be suspended in Minnesota. We will continue with our LIVE WEBINARS and ONLINE insurance continuing education, but we are also considering offering DESTINATION CE classes in Mexico during 2024 and possibly the early part of 2025. To ensure these offerings are of the best value to you, please answer the following questions. Thank you.

IMPORTANT: Our 2023 LIVE IN-PERSON INSURANCE CE courses are available for registration. Although we have no definitive plans,  these could be the last classes we offer at in-person Minnesota locations. We are really excited about this temporary transition and hope you'll join us in the tropics or via webinar for our LIVE INSURANCE CE classes.

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* 1. If the cost and the timing worked for me, it is highly likely I would attend insurance CE classes in Mazatlán.

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* 2. If I attended Bryan Ventures insurance CE in Mazatlán, I would be traveling:

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* 3. What time of year would work best for you?

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* 4. If we proceed with CE classes in Mazatlán, we would only offer class in the morning allowing the afternoon for vacation fun. Please select the number of classes/days of CE you'd prefer.

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* 5. Bryan Ventures plans to arrange discounted accommodations at a beach front hotel in Mazatlán. Would you also prefer we arrange discounted airfare from Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport?

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* 6. I would prefer Bryan Ventures just offer the classes in Mexico, and I will take care of my own travel arrangements including my hotel and the transport to the class site.

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* 7. Do you prefer a resort that has ALL INCLUSIVE (food & drink on the site is included) or would you prefer accommodations that offer a room and amenities like the pool and beach included, but you would be responsible for the cost of food separately? 

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* 8. Mazatlan has several all-inclusive resort options. Please let us know which of the following would interest you the most.

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* 9. Which of the following length of stay works the best for you?

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* 10. While in Mazatlán, I would like for Bryan Ventures to arrange some excursions and I would be willing to pay for that cost with my insurance CE enrollment.