Resident Survey

1.What issue in Newton is most important to you?
2.Do you have kids in the Newton Public Schools?
3.How satisfied have you been with he schools this past year on a scale of 1-5?
Very unsatisfied 
Somewhat unsatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
4.What would have liked to see happen differently from NPS and the school committee this past year if anything?
5.Have you heard about the gun store that was proposed to open in Newtonville? What solutions do you support? 
6.How do you feel about development in this city?
7.How much density would you like to see in the city? 
8.Do you support eliminating single family zoning across the entire city? 
9.What current City Councilors have you been impressed with?
10.Why have you been impressed with them?
11.What is your first and last name?(Required.)
12.What ward in Newton do you live in?(Required.)
13.Please add your email address below if you would like to receive updates!
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered