
Welcome to our Madrinas/Padrinos Mentorship Program.
In order to establish the best Madrina or Padrino match for you we want to get to know you, your aspirations and your development needs.

Once you complete and submit this form, we will review our active Madrinas and Padrinos to find the best mentorship partner for you.

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* 1. I am seeking growth in the following professional areas:

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* 2. I prefer a Madrina/Padrino with a working or educational background in the filed of:

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* 3. I would categorize my current professional level as:

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* 4. Do you have a Madrina/Padrino gender preference?

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* 5. What are your professional aspirations?

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* 6. What best describes you (select all that apply)?

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* 7. I prefer to be matched with a Madrina/Padrino that

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* 8. I prefer a Madrina/Padrino who is in a similar life stage (select all that apply):

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* 9. What role would you like your Madrina/Padrino to take part as?

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* 10. What are your expectations in this mentoring program?

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* 11. Anything additional that you feel is important for us to know regarding your preference for a Madrina/Padrino match?

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* 12. SGR will facilitate four sessions among the following six topics. Please rank the below sessions topics from most interested (1) to least interested (6).

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* 13. Comments/Questions/Feedback regarding this process:

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* 14. Contact Information