Onsite wastewater and stormwater in the Southern Beaches

We have engaged a consultant to prepare a Plan detailing how onsite wastewater and stormwater will be managed in the Southern Beaches. The aim of the plan is to protect public health and the environment, and assist with long term planning for the Southern Beaches community.

The Plan will provide advice on the suitability of on-site wastewater and stormwater and include recommendations on design standards, mitigation measures and management.

Advice will be included on the suitability of on-site wastewater in the Southern Beaches and evaluate if de-centralised wastewater schemes are required or feasible. It will also be used to inform the future Southern Beaches Structure Plan and will assist in identifying areas suitability for development.

Please visit our website if you want more information on this work - www.sorell.tas.gov.au/southern-beaches-onsite-wastewater-stormwater-plan/
1.What area of the Southern Beaches do you live in?
2.Is your property
3.Do you agree or disagree the Southern Beaches is being impacted by septic tank systems and other types of on-site wastewater management systems failing and polluting surface and groundwater?
4.Do you agree or disagree that onsite stormwater (spilling from water tanks, driveways and buildings) is generally not managed effectively?
5.How old is your on-site wastewater management system is?
6.Do you know how to manage your on-site wastewater management system correctly?
7.Does the overflow from your water tank/s discharge:
8.Thinking about your water tanks, do you (select all that apply):
9.Do you have any other comments you wish to make about wastewater or stormwater in the Southern Beaches?
Thank you for completing this survey. Your feedback will help our consultants develop the Plan and also tell us how we can better help people understand and manage their wastewater and stormwater.