MetaQil Question Title * 1. Please enter your name OK Question Title * 2. Have you used MetaQil before? Yes No OK Question Title * 3. How did you hear about MetaQil? Online Dr./Dentist Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. Why do you experience metallic taste? Medications Cancer Treatment (Chemotherapy/Radiation) Central Nervous System Disorders Food Allergies Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. How long have you had a metallic, bitter or unpleasant taste? 0-6 Months 6-12 Months 1-3 Years 3+ Years OK Question Title * 6. Is this the first product you have bought to help alleviate your symptoms? Yes No OK Question Title * 7. How informative was our website on our product? Very informative Somewhat informative Not at all informative OK Question Title * 8. Please leave any additional thoughts/comments below. OK DONE