Thank you for participating in our survey. We value your input in shaping the future of Downtown Allentown, making it a thriving hub for all. This survey is completely anonymous and should take about 5-10 minutes to complete.

Para acceder a esta encuesta en español, presione aquí.

Question Title

* 1. In what ZIP code is your home located? (enter 5-digit ZIP code; for example, 00544 or 94305)

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* 2. What is your principal relationship with Downtown Allentown?

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. What is your gender identity?

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* 5. Please indicate your primary language.

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* 6. How long have you been living in Downtown Allentown?

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* 7. How long have you been working in Downtown Allentown?

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* 8. If you do not live or work primarily in Downtown Allentown, how often do you visit it?

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* 9. How much do you agree with the following statements regarding Downtown Allentown?

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree N/A
I enjoy dining in Downtown Allentown.
I enjoy shopping in Downtown Allentown.
I feel safe in Downtown Allentown.
I am satisfied with Downtown Allentown’s variety of amenities and public spaces, such as parks, seating areas, public restrooms, community centers, and outdoor markets.
Overall, I am satisfied with Downtown Allentown.
I enjoy arts, culture, and entertainment offerings in Downtown Allentown.
I feel that Downtown Allentown is diverse and inclusive.

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* 10. What do you currently like most about Downtown Allentown? For example, is there a specific place, event, or feature that attracts you?

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* 11. What is one change that would most enhance your experience of Downtown Allentown?

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* 12. What are the key issues or areas of concern you have regarding Downtown Allentown?

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* 13. What type of educational opportunities would you like to see in Downtown Allentown?

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* 14. What types of dining, shopping, arts, culture, and recreation options would attract you more frequently to Downtown Allentown?

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* 15. How can Downtown Allentown better involve you in planning and/or hosting events in Downtown Allentown?

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* 16. Please share ideas/suggestions for Downtown Allentown that have not been addressed in this survey.