2019 Land Use Survey |
Kondinin Group's inaugural Land Use Survey aims to investigate the current sentiment around energy exploration and production activities involving agricultural lands.
The National Farmer's Federation's "2030 Roadmap" report highlighted the need to "adopt land use strategies that balance the needs of competing industries, while limiting any impacts on agricultural land and water resources." (Pillar 2.4.2)
With this in mind, this survey explores how the agricultural sector views the current regulatory environment surrounding energy exploration and production on agricultural land, the extent of understanding of the matter, and key concerns, expectations and preferences.
The research is being undertaken in conjunction with Farming Ahead sister publication Energy News Bulletin (ENB). Survey results will be used as part of a new, annual “Land Use Report”, to be released in late 2019.
The survey should take between 5-7 minutes to complete.
Kondinin Group keeps, maintains and uses personal information in accordance with the 10 national privacy principles contained in the Privacy Act. For more information or to obtain a copy of Kondinin Group’s complete privacy policy phone 1800 677 761.
Begin survey:
With this in mind, this survey explores how the agricultural sector views the current regulatory environment surrounding energy exploration and production on agricultural land, the extent of understanding of the matter, and key concerns, expectations and preferences.
The research is being undertaken in conjunction with Farming Ahead sister publication Energy News Bulletin (ENB). Survey results will be used as part of a new, annual “Land Use Report”, to be released in late 2019.
The survey should take between 5-7 minutes to complete.
Kondinin Group keeps, maintains and uses personal information in accordance with the 10 national privacy principles contained in the Privacy Act. For more information or to obtain a copy of Kondinin Group’s complete privacy policy phone 1800 677 761.
Begin survey: