SJV Customer Satisfaction Survey 2021 Question Title * 1. What program do you or your child participate in at St. Joseph's Villa? Dooley Center for Alternative Education Dooley School Sarah Dooley Center for Autism Youth Day Support Adult Day Support After School Day Treatment School Based Day Treatment Intensive In-Home Services (IIH) In-Home Behavior Treatment (IHBT) and ABA Clinic Mental Health Skill-Building (MHSB) Mobile Crisis Services Flagler Richmond Housing & Homeless Services Flagler Petersburg HRC Housing & Homeless Services Crisis Stabilization Unit or Day Outpatient Counseling Services OK Question Title * 2. How long have you or your child received services in the program selected above? Less than three months Three to six months Six months to a year One to two years More than two years OK Question Title * 3. I was given written information about my rights and responsibilities as a client/student. Yes No OK Question Title * 4. The people who work for St. Joseph's Villa treat me/my child with respect and courtesy. Yes No OK Question Title * 5. St. Joseph's Villa asks me about my ideas on how to improve its services. Yes No OK Question Title * 6. I know where to go or whom to speak to if I have a complaint. Yes No OK Question Title * 7. The staff is respectful of my/my child's confidentiality and privacy. Yes No OK Question Title * 8. St. Joseph's Villa's buildings, offices, and campus are clean and well kept. Yes No N/A OK Question Title * 9. I feel St. Joseph's Villa creates a safe environment. Yes No N/A OK Question Title * 10. I help plan my/my child's services and goals. Yes No OK Question Title * 11. St. Joseph's Villa is responsive in returning my phone calls or answering my emails. Yes No OK Question Title * 12. I would recommend St. Joseph's Villa to my family and friends. Yes No OK Question Title * 13. If I needed help or services again, I would come back to St. Joseph's Villa. Yes No OK Question Title * 14. Overall, I am satisfied with the services that I am receiving. Yes No OK Question Title * 15. Please provide any ideas on how we could improve our services. OK Question Title * 16. If you answered "No" to any question or if you would like to add additional comments, please respond below. OK DONE