Litigant Feedback Survey

1.Please select your County:
2.Did you see a:
3.What case brought you to Family Court?
4.What type of hearing did you have?
5.How did you connect to your online Court hearing?
6.What type of data did you use when logging into your hearing?
7.Was your hearing easy to connect to?
8.How satisfied are you with the technology used for your hearing?
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
9.Did you feel safe during your hearing today?
10.Please choose the option you AGREE the most with:
11.Please describe any problems you had when logging into your online hearing today.
12.What were the benefits of having your hearing remotely?
13.Do you have any other feedback?
14.If you would like us to review your case, please type in your first and last name, hearing date, and case/petition number below (this is OPTIONAL - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE THIS INFORMATION)
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered