Return to Work Survey

The Texas Association of Business (TAB) is the state chamber of commerce and voice for public policy issues affecting business in Texas.  In this role, TAB stands on the front lines of legislative, regulatory and judicial issues that impact Texas business; crusading to bring real solutions to real challenges for private-sector growth. 

The Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives (TCCE) is the statewide association for chamber of commerce professionals in Texas.  TCCE provides information, resources and education to empower chamber professionals to serve their organizations and communities with excellence.   

The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly has impacted our state in many ways.  However, as we endeavor to reopen Texas, we have heard from many employers that it has been difficult to return to full staff levels as a result of the additional $300 per week in federal assistance. 

To assist in our efforts to influence policy and help get the Texas workforce back to work, TAB, in conjunction with TCCE are seeking to quantify the impacts on businesses in Texas. 

Please take a few moments and answer the following questions by May 7, 2021 to assist us in telling the story, creating change, and getting Texas back to work and fully open.

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* 1. Has your business remained closed (either partially or completely) due to staff shortages in the last 90 days (February 1 - April 30, 2021)?

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* 2. In returning to full operation, what percentage of staff shortage are you currently experiencing? 

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* 3. How many open positions do you currently have within your company?

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* 4. What financial impact (estimate in dollars) does the lack of employees have on your business?

$0 $500,000 $1,000,000 or more
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 5. Do you feel that the additional $300 federal supplement of Unemployment Insurance benefits to unemployed worker's during COVID have impacted your recruiting/hiring efforts.

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* 6. Do you believe the $300 additional federal assistance set to expire in September should be ...

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* 7. Would you like to share any additional information or specifics of your story (challenges with hiring, jobs gone unfilled, inability to open, etc.)?

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* 8. Would you be open to sharing your story or have it incorporated into possible news stories, articles, open letters or other efforts to resolve this issue?

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* 9. Please share your contact information (Optional)