Question Title

* Thank you for your interest in The Step-by-Step Marketing Strategy Course.

If you would like to be updated on the next course or upcoming workshops then please provide your contact details below (we will never share your details with anyone).

Question Title

* Here's your chance to have a say where the next courses are held...
There are 3 optional questions below that are designed so we can create course dates that are more likely to suit you.

Firstly, please tell us how interested you are in the following course... 

The Step-by-Step Marketing Strategy Course:
A Blueprint for Creating Effective and Meaningful Marketing
Proven | Ethical | Affordable | Specific to small businesses and start-ups. You can read more about the course here

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* What location/s would you consider if a course was held there... (please tick all that apply)

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* The course can be offered back to back or be split into 2 days, which options would you consider...(please tick all that apply)

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* Please let me know if you have any comments or questions below...

Organise a course and save over 30%...!

Get 3 participants together at a date that suits us all, you will each get a whopping $250 discount - we’ll market the course locally to fill the remaining seats. Offer expires 30th April 2018. 

If you're interested, get in touch. Email or phone me on 021 677 182. 

Thanks for your time and feedback. 

Libby :)