California Recycled Water Funding Needs

WateReuse California (WRCA) is working on a 2020 water bond strategy that includes significant funding for water recycling projects. To best position reuse in these ongoing discussions, WRCA needs to have a better estimate of the total funding needs for reuse over the next 5 to 10 years. Please help us by completing this survey:
1.Estimate of reuse funding needs (potable and non-potable) over the next 5 years.*
2.Estimate of reuse funding needs (potable and non-potable) over the next 10 years.*
*For the aggregate numbers, we will indicate that at least 50% of the funds come from local sources for most projects.
3.Estimate the production of recycled water (AFY) from the project(s) funding above.
4.How many projects are you planning over the next over the next 5 to 10 years?
5.Name of Agency, Agencies or Joint Powers Authority planning the water recycling project(s)
6.Can we use your agency’s name in our materials?(Required.)