Martha's Vineyard Tick Program's Alpha-Gal Survey Survey description and consent statement Thank you for your interest in this survey conducted by the Martha’s Vineyard Tick Program.We are interested to learn about what you know and think about alpha-gal syndrome, also referred to as red meat allergy or mammalian meat allergy. While we are especially interested in hearing from hunters, we invite any Martha’s Vineyard resident or visitor to participate in this survey. This survey will take about 5-10 minutes of your time. Participation is completely voluntary. You may indicate that you choose not to answer any question and you may stop at any time. Your answers will be anonymous and cannot be linked with any information that could personally identify you.Results from this project will inform the efforts of the Martha’s Vineyard Tick Program to educate and prevent alpha-gal syndrome as well as support people affected by it. We also hope to use this information to design a study of hunters and their risk for alpha-gal syndrome.This survey is being conducted by Lea Hamner, epidemiologist for Dukes County and the Inter-Island Public Health Excellence Collaborative, in collaboration with Dr. Scott Commins of the University of North Carolina.For information or questions about the survey, please contact:Lea HamnerEpidemiologistDukes CountyInter-Island Public Health Excellence 14% of survey complete. Next