Question Title

* 1. What community in Saint Lucia do you reside/operate in?

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* 2. Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?

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* 3. What is your yearly household income?

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* 4. What service (s) does WASCO provide to you? 

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* 5. Which customer class do you belong to?

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* 6. Do you drink tap water or bottled water at home? 

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* 7. On average, how much money do you spend monthly on bottled water at home/company?

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* 8. What do you use pipe-borne water supplied by WASCO for?

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* 9. Do you know what intake (rivers, springs) supplies your community with water?

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* 10. Do you think that our present intakes (rivers, springs) will be sufficient to supply water island-wide in the future?

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* 11. Please rate the quality of the water supplied by WASCO. 

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* 12. Please rate the quality of the sewer service supplied by WASCO.

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* 13. Please describe the frequency of the water supplied by WASCO in your community?

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* 14. Are you satisfied with the frequency of the water supplied by WASCO?

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* 15. Do you practice water conservation and efficient water use?

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* 16. Generally does your water have a smell?

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* 17. Generally, how does your water taste?

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* 18. Generally how does your water look?

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* 21. Would you be willing to pay more for water and sewer services at this time to facilitate the delivery of an improved quality of service?

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* 24. What would you do if the water or sewer rate increase was too costly?

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* 25. Considering the rising costs of raw materials used in the production, treatment and distribution of water and sewer, do you think consumers should bear some of that cost?

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* 26. Have you ever lodged complaints about WASCO's water or sewer services?

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* 27. What was the complaint about?

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* 28. Were you satisfied with the results and the manner by which the complaint was handled?

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* 29. Overall, how would you rate WASCO as a utility provider for both water and services services?

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* 30. Are there any new service(s) that can be offered by WASCO to improve its overall quality of service?