MV Shared Space Survey

For a number of years there's been discussion about the need for shared work space and shared maker space for Martha's Vineyard.  For several months a small but enthusiastic group has been working on this challenge.

In order to move forward, we really need hard data - information that will inform our next steps, and help us conceive of a way to bring this to reality and make it sustainable.  We've put together a survey based on models of shared work and make spaces we've visited throughout the State. 

Would you please take a few moments now to take this survey, share your thoughts and needs as to best use of space, how often you'd use such a space, and what you'd love to see available in the space.  Your responses will provide the data needed to create a plan for development and implementation of these spaces to serve the Island.

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* 1. The following are examples of potential shared spaces. Please select as many as you would have an interest in using.

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* 2. Select any of the statements below that describes you or your business.

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* 3. Select any of the statements below that describe why you might want to use one of the shared spaces.

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* 4. How often and when would you access a shared space? (check as many as apply)

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* 5. To build and sustain these shared space, fees would need to be charged. Please select the statement(s) that best describe your preferred method.

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* 6. Based on your answers above, how much would you be willing to pay PER MONTH.

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* 7. Finally, we imagine you may have some questions or comments. Or possibly you would like to participate in making these spaces happen. Please use the comment section below to share that with us.

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* 8. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. We would really like to stay in touch with you to share our progress and get your feedback.