UAW 4121 Microaggressions Survey Microaggressions are everyday verbal, non-verbal, snubs, or insults – whether intentional or unintentional – which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to a person. Question Title * 1. Do you feel that you have experienced a microaggression during your attendance at UW? Yes No Unsure Question Title * 2. If you have experienced a microaggression, do you feel it was based on: age perceived gender race national origin sexual orientation disability Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Did you experience microaggression from: ASE supervisor Peer ASE faculty staff student Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Did you attempt to talk to anyone in authority to address the micro-aggression? Yes No Question Title * 5. If so, how satisfied were you with the out come of addressing the microaggression? very satisfied satisfied neutral dissatisfied very dissatisfied Question Title * 6. Would you like to share any details about the microaggression(s) you experienced at UW? We will not associate your name with the information you provide. Question Title * 7. If you chose to share details, above, could you specify who you discussed the microaggression with (if anyone) and what remedy (if any) was provided. Question Title * 8. If you are willing to share your experience with the university at a future union bargaining meeting in person, please enter your contact email below. Done