Lubricity current user survey Question Title * 1. How long have you used Lubricity? Less than 1 month 1 - 3 Months 3 - 6 Months 6 months - 1 year 1 Year + OK Question Title * 2. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Lubricity? Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied OK Question Title * 3. What product are you currently using for your Dry Mouth? OK Question Title * 4. How does Lubricity compare to products that you have used in the past? The best one yet A little better The same Not better than others N/A - I've never used other products OK Question Title * 5. How well does Lubricity meet your needs? Extremely well Very well Somewhat well Not so well Not at all well OK Question Title * 6. How would you rate the quality of the product? Very high quality High quality Neither high nor low quality Low quality Very low quality OK Question Title * 7. In your own words, how do you feel about the product or how has it helped you? OK DONE