Anonymous Four-Question Survey on Columbus Police Department Leadership

As Mayor, I believe it is my responsibility to listen and learn from city employees.  One way that I can accomplish this is by conducting annual surveys with the departments throughout the city.  I’m not interested in personal attacks on individuals, but I am very interested in giving each employee an opportunity to give me constructive feedback in a format where they feel comfortable in voicing their opinions, ideas, and recommendations.  I believe each employee, regardless of the position they hold, should be heard and listened to in order to build a safe and productive work environment.  This survey is totally anonymous. No identifying information of any type is being recorded; you have my word on that. Thank you for your service to the city and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Kind regards,
Keith Gaskin

Question Title

* 1. What is your level of confidence in the leadership of the Columbus MS Chief of Police?

No Confidence Neither Good Nor Bad High Confidence

Question Title

* 2. Do you feel you are being treated fairly day-to-day by the leadership of the Columbus Police Department?

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* 3. What changes would you like to see in the Columbus Police Department?

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* 4. What do you think would increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the Columbus Police Department?