The American Legion is exploring options for creating new member welcome kits featuring Legion-branded apparel and merchandise.

As part of this process, we want to learn more about how posts currently welcome new members and gauge interest posts may have in purchasing pre-built new member welcome kits from Emblem Sales.

Question Title

* 1. Do you provide new members with Legion-branded merchandise?

Question Title

* 2. If yes, what sorts of items do you provide?
(Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. Do you purchase these items from Emblem Sales?

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* 4. Currently, Emblem Sales offers a new member kit that includes a welcome letter from the national commander, a certificate of initiation, an American flag window decal and a Legion-branded lapel tack, key ring and window decal. This item is priced at $6.99 per kit. How likely are you to purchase this item for new members?

1 - not at all likely 2 - possibly 3 - definitely
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 5. Currently, Emblem Sales offers a "Century of Service" American Legion history bookazine for $9.99. How likely are you to purchase this item as a gift for new members?

1 - not at all likely 2 - possibly 3 - definitely
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 6. If Emblem Sales offered a new member kit that included a welcome letter, a beverage holder, a challenge coin, branded notepad and pen and a window decal for $12.99 per kit, how likely are you to purchase this item for new members?

1 - not at all likely 2 - possibly 3 - definitely
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 7. If Emblem Sales offered a new member kit that included a welcome letter, a beverage cup, a performance T-shirt, rubber grip pen and key chain for $20.99 per kit, how likely are you to purchase this item for new members?

1 - not at all likely 2 - possibly 3 - definitely
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.