Montana AmeriCorps Alumni Network Interest Survey

Warm Greetings from the Montana Governor’s Office of Community Service (OCS),

As the State Service Commission for Montana, OCS is tasked with leading AmeriCorps and community service in our state. Because of this, we are spearheading an effort to revitalize the Montana AmeriCorps alumni network, Last Best Alums.

Last Best Alums is being created to support alumni by fostering connections, providing development opportunities, raising awareness of AmeriCorps across Montana, and more. We would love for all AmeriCorps alumni to join the network!

Whether you served in Montana or in another state and now call Montana home, we want to connect with you to share information about National Service and provide opportunities to engage with us and the AmeriCorps community in Montana as a leader in service.

If you are an AmeriCorps (State, National, VISTA, or NCCC) Alum who lives in Montana, you are invited to complete this survey.  It is designed to gather basic information about AmeriCorps Alumni living in Montana.

All responses will be safeguarded. Thank you!

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* 1. Which stream of AmeriCorps did you serve with? Select all that apply.

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* 2. In which state or U.S. territory did you serve? If more than one, please enter each state/territory below (if you served with NCCC, please list which campus you were based at):

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* 3. If you served in Montana, which program(s) did you serve with?

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* 4. What year did you complete service?

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* 5. If you received an AmeriCorps Education Award, what have you used or plan to use your Education Award on?  Select all that apply:

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* 6. If you used your Education Award on tuition in Montana, was it matched by a college or university?

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* 7. Please enter your contact information:

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* 8. Would you like to receive the OCS monthly email newsletter?

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* 9. What else would you like to share about your experience as an AmeriCorps Alum?

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* 10. Some dedicated and enthusiastic AmeriCorps alums are building the Last Best Alums Council, the leadership group for  Montana’s AmeriCorps Alumni Network. The intent of the network is to help organize and provide opportunities for engagement for all AmeriCorps Alumni in the state.

The Alumni Council is seeking individuals to join or assume leadership roles. Are you interested in learning more and/or engaging with the Last Best Alumni Council?