SBC Cougars Field Volunteer Survey
Please provide your name, e-mail, and phone number to sign up as a SBC Cougars Field Volunteer
Where do you live?
Kelowna to Osoyoos
Rock Creek to Grand Forks
Cranbrook to Newgate
Outside of these areas
How often are you willing to volunteer?
1 day/month
1 day/week
More than 1 day/week
Less than 1 day/month
Choose the answer that best fits your backcountry experience
Regularly hike long distances off trail/drive in backcountry, navigate by GPS, carry heavy gear (+ 30 lbs), bear aware + carry spray
Some experience hiking off trail, mostly on trail, some GPS knowledge, some bear aware
Limited experience in backcountry setting, never used a GPS, no bear aware training
Please check if you have any of the following gear
Hiking backpack
4x4 truck
Hiking/Snowshoe poles
Snowmobile + trailer
Compass, GPS device, or cell phone enabled GPS
First Aid kit
Bear Spray
InReach, SPOT, or Satellite phone
2-Way Radio for logging roads
For safety, we never do field work alone. Do you have a friend or partner who could join you on field outings?
I am willing to be matched up with another volunteer
Which field-based activities interest you?
Investigating cougar kill sites (Training required)
Servicing/Picking up trail cameras
Searching for cougar tracks (Nov-March only)
Asking permission from landowners for site access
Would you attend a 1-2 hour virtual Zoom workshop on investigating cougar kills and identifying wildlife tracks and sign?
The provincial government, Interior Health, and the University of British Columbia Okanagan all have Covid-19 restrictions in place and these restrictions are continually evolving in response to the current outbreak. The health and safety of our team and volunteers is our number one priority, and therefore we require that all participants on the study follow all current Covid-19 safety procedures.
Travel to field sites must be in separate vehicles unless all vehicle occupants are from the same household, are all double vaccinated, or are in the same work bubble. Some volunteers may choose to take their own vehicle for their own comfort. Volunteers and field staff should wear a mask when in close contact with others outside their bubble regardless of vaccination status.
Do you agree to follow UBC Okanagan Covid-19 safety procedures for the duration of your volunteer shifts?
Yes, no problem!
Tentatively yes, I have some concerns (you can e-mail us questions at
No this won't work for me, sorry!
Thank you for taking the SBC Cougars Volunteer Survey. If you would like to hear from us by e-mail regarding project updates, upcoming presentations or job and volunteer opportunities please check below.
Inquiries may be directed to More information about the Southern BC Cougar Project including past project updates, blog posts, news articles, webinars, and photos from the field can be found on our website
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