Exit Juneteenth Celebration Question Title * 1. I attended today's program... By myself/solo With my family With my friends Question Title * 2. How many SoulTrak events have you been to in the last year? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+ This is my first Soul Trak Event Question Title * 3. How many of those who participated in today's event with you are children under the age of 18? (Please insert the number) Question Title * 4. [Family Participants] How many children (under 18 years old) were you able to bring to today's events? (Please insert the number) Question Title * 5. How often in the past year have you participated in an outdoor activity (e.g. hiking, paddling, fishing, etc.)? 1 time 2-3 times 4-5 times 5+ times This is my first time Question Title * 6. Please rate your level of comfortability with today's activities, both BEFORE and AFTER: Before today's event, my comfort level was... As of today's event, my comfort level is... Fishing 3-High 2-Moderate 1-Low 0-None Fishing Before today's event, my comfort level was... menu 3-High 2-Moderate 1-Low 0-None Fishing As of today's event, my comfort level is... menu Hiking 3-High 2-Moderate 1-Low 0-None Hiking Before today's event, my comfort level was... menu 3-High 2-Moderate 1-Low 0-None Hiking As of today's event, my comfort level is... menu Paddling 3-High 2-Moderate 1-Low 0-None Paddling Before today's event, my comfort level was... menu 3-High 2-Moderate 1-Low 0-None Paddling As of today's event, my comfort level is... menu Question Title * 7. Please rate your families' level of comfortability with today's activities, both BEFORE and AFTER: Before today's event, their comfort level was... As of today's event, their comfort level is... Fishing 3-High 2-Moderate 1-Low 0-None Fishing Before today's event, their comfort level was... menu 3-High 2-Moderate 1-Low 0-None Fishing As of today's event, their comfort level is... menu Hiking 3-High 2-Moderate 1-Low 0-None Hiking Before today's event, their comfort level was... menu 3-High 2-Moderate 1-Low 0-None Hiking As of today's event, their comfort level is... menu Paddling 3-High 2-Moderate 1-Low 0-None Paddling Before today's event, their comfort level was... menu 3-High 2-Moderate 1-Low 0-None Paddling As of today's event, their comfort level is... menu Question Title * 8. I gained the following from today's event: (Please check all that apply) A sense of community/belonging A recreational outlet (e.g. INSERT DEFINITION) Outdoor education opportunity Opportunity to engage in environmental stewardship New outdoor technical skills Access to fitness activity Introduction to new park or public space Access to other likeminded families from my community Free outdoor programming opportunities for myself Free outdoor programming opportunities for my family Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. What is one thing that you learned or improved upon as a result of this event? Question Title * 10. As a result of today's programming, how likely are you to participate in future outdoor activities? Very Likely Likely Possibly Unlikely Very Unlikely Question Title * 11. As a result of today's programming, how likely is your family to participate in future outdoor activities? Very Likely Likely Possibly Unlikely Very Unlikely Question Title * 12. How likely are you to attend one of Soul Trak's events in the future? Very likely Likely Possibly Unlikely Very unlikely Question Title * 13. How did you hear about SoulTrak Outdoors? Website or Online/Internet Google Search Friend/Family Member Outdoor Publication Soul Trak Outdoors Communication (email, listserv, etc.) Social Media Other (please specify) Question Title * 14. Would programs would you like to see from Soul Trak in the future? Question Title * 15. Please offer any feedback on today’s program with Soul Trak or write a testimonial for today's event: Done