RAC Exhibiting Member Survey Spring 2023

1.What benefits of RAC Exhibiting Membership are most important to you? (Select all that apply)
2.In your own words, why did you decide to join RAC as an exhibiting member?
3.If RAC were to provide learning opportunities for artists, in addition to our art classes, which of the following would be of interest to you? (Select all that apply)
4.To which other local arts organizations do you belong? (Select all that apply)
5.What benefits do you see from other organizations that you don't get from RAC?
6.Where do you sell your art? (Select all that apply)
7.What is your Instagram handle, if you use one for your art?
8.Which of the following RAC volunteer opportunities interest you? (Select all that apply)
9.What is/was your professional career, if any?  What types of skills and experience outside of art might benefit RAC and other members? For example, accounting experience or marketing experience. 
10.RAC typically holds 10 exhibitions per year - how many opening receptions are you typically able to attend each year?
11.What suggestions do you have to make RAC a better place for you and our community?
12.What is your email address? (For survey analysis only, will not be shared)