1. Background information

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5% of survey complete.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and its member countries are responding to urgent global issues of energy supply and demand by strengthening the capacity of international standardization.

At present, ISO's activities in the area of energy efficiency and renewable energy are being carried out in a number of different technical committees. No formal process is implemented for coordinating this work within ISO or with key external stakeholders

There is a need for a systematic long-term prioritization and coordination strategy, that fully considers stakeholders interests.

In 2008, ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) created a Strategic Advisory Group on Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources (SAG E) to recommend future actions. SAG E has identified a need for a greater understanding of the uses made of the standards by various stakeholders.

A survey has been developed for a broad set of stakeholders enabling an evaluation of the current and future situations in the selected topics: Energy Management (including Energy Efficiency and Demand Management) and Bioenergy. This will develop an understanding of the needs of and impact for users and other knowledgeable interested parties in relation to energy efficiency and renewable energy standards.

The collected answers from your responses will be analyzed and used as input for a report to be submitted to the ISO Technical Management Board regarding related standards development process improvements.

We warmly thank you beforehand for your contributions.

ISO/TMB SAG E members

Important Survey Completion Instruction:

• Please be advised that due to the software limitations, this survey must be completed in one sitting and will take 20-30 minutes, depending on whether you complete one or both topic areas. Please choose “next” to save your inputs on the current page before trying to review previous pages.
• We would encourage you to complete the survey as fully as possible.
• Where questions are asterisked it means questions are compulsory and the survey will not allow you to move forward until you have completed an answer.