Exploring Health Care Manager’s knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to racism in regional health care settings

1.Participation in the study is voluntary and confidential and involves completion of an on-line survey which should take 15- 20 minutes to complete. Please ensure that you read the participant information sheet located on the project webpage. After completing the survey you are welcome to express an interest in an individual interview which would take 30-45 min complete. Your consent to participate is required  and so before you decide whether or not you wish to participate, it is important for you to fully understand why the research is being undertaken and what it will involve. Do you consent to participate in this study?(Required.)
2.Do you identify as
3.What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
4.Which area of work best describes your current managerial role?
5.How long have you worked in this organisation.
6.Please describe your racial, ethnic, or cultural background? 
7.Do you identify as a First Nations person?
8.What country were you born in?
9.If you were not born in Australia, how long have you lived here, in Australia?
10.What language or languages other than English do you speak at home?
11.The following questions relate to  information about your workplace.

My organisation is committed to providing a workplace environment that is welcoming, safe and inclusive for people from varied racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds.
12.Within my organisation, there are inadequate policies, practices, and processes in place to

address race-based discrimination.
13.There are people I can turn to for help if I’ve witnessed or experienced race-based discrimination.
14.Within my organisation, there are no clear consequences for engaging in racially discriminatory behaviour.
15.I feel I have the skills and ability to address racial discrimination and promote diversity in the course of my work role
16.In my opinion, all employees in this organisation, regardless of racial, ethnic, cultural or religious background, have equal access to training and development opportunities.
17.In my opinion, all employees in this organisation, regardless of racial, ethnic, cultural or religious background, have equal opportunity to participate in decision-making processes.
18.In my opinion, all employees in this organisation, regardless of racial, ethnic, cultural or religious background, have the same chance of being promoted, for example into more senior roles
19.Where I work, people from different racial, ethnic, cultural or religious groups do not get along well with each other
20.I am uncomfortable with having a manager from a different ethnic, racial, cultural or religious background.
21.The following questions will relate to your experiences and opinions in the workplace.

I have witnessed situations where staff at my workplace were treated unfairly because of their race, ethnicity, culture or religion
22.I have witnessed situations where customers or clients of my organisation were treated unfairly because of their race, ethnicity, culture, or religion.
23.I have observed policies or practices at my workplace that exclude or negatively affect people from minority racial, ethnic, cultural, or religious groups.
24.I have observed policies or practices at work that exclude or negatively affect me because of my race, ethnicity, culture, or religion.
25.My training, development opportunities and/or participation in decision-making at my workplace has been unfairly limited because of my race, ethnicity, culture, or religion
26.I have felt left out or avoided at my workplace because of my race, ethnicity, culture or religion.
27.I have had someone treat me as less intelligent, or inferior, because of my race, ethnicity, culture or religion at my workplace.
28.I experience anxiety or discomfort around people from other racial, ethnic, cultural, or religious backgrounds.
29.I have been ignored, treated with suspicion or treated rudely at my workplace
because of my race, ethnicity, culture, or religion.
30.For the following question please indicate the appropriate option that best reflects your response to the following statements. 

 Racial discrimination is a problem in Australia.
31.Organisations, such as workplaces, play an important role in setting non-discriminatory standards.
32.I prefer to work in a racially, ethnically, culturally, and religiously diverse organisation.
33.Racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious diversity is beneficial to an organisation.
34.Australia’s resolve to stamp out racism is weakened by people from various racial, ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds sticking to their old ways.
35.This section relates to your role as a manager in dealing with incidents of racism.

I am responsible to address racism incident among staff (colleagues)
36.I am responsible to address racism incident among staff and patients (clients)
37.I am responsible to address racism incident among patients (clients), e.g., waiting room
38.I am not affected by these issues; my responsibility is to make sure work is done effectively within specific timeframes
39.I know when and how to escalate issues to protect staff, client, and myself
40.The institution makes clear my responsibility and tasks to issues related to racism
41.Is there anything you would like to say about racism at your workplace?
42.Lastly, would you be able to attend a Zoom online or telephone interview to discuss these issues further where you can? It will take 30-40 minutes via Zoom online or telephone. If this is of interest to you, please email the Chief Investigator Dr Sophia Dywili- sdywili@csu.edu.au 
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