Survey Introduction

Thank you for your interest in assisting with the planning of Middletown Township’s park system, recreation programming, and open space needs.

The MT Department of Parks & Recreation is responsible for:
  • The use and maintenance of all Township recreation facilities and parks
  • The preservation and conservation of open space and natural resources
  • The creation and implementation of programs and events that meet the needs and interests of residents---contributing to the health/well-being of the community while encouraging a sense of community pride and identity.
Over the next fourteen months, the township will develop a Comprehensive Recreation, Parks, Open Space, Greenways & Trails Plan (CRPOSGT) Plan, which will analyze our progress on goals set in the 2005 CRPOSGT Plan and set new goals to guide planning for the next 15 years.

The 2025 CRPOSGT Plan will:
  • Reassess community recreation needs
  • Inventory and assess current park facilities, open spaces and natural resources
  • Assess maintenance protocols - seeking efficiencies and sustainable practices to incorporate for the stewardship of facilities and open spaces.
  • Identify improvement areas for department administration to seek national accreditation
  • Coordinate the recently completed MT Multimodal Improvement Plan recommendations with recreational analysis for a more walkable, inter-connected pedestrian / bike-friendly community.
This opinion survey is a vital part of the planning process and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey asks residents to consider existing strengths and future opportunities for the township’s parks, recreation, and open space needs.

Residents will also have the opportunity to provide feedback at several public meetings to be held during the course of the planning process. Please check the township’s website and newsletter for meeting dates.

Thank you for your time and participation.