Information about the survey

Purpose of the Study.  The European Network for Best Practice and Research in MS Rehabilitation (RIMS) is a network of researchers and clinicians who work with people with MS. RIMs has a Special Interest Group (SIG) for Mobility and the chair is Dr Lousin Moumdjian a physiotherapist researcher based at the University of Hasselt in Belgium. The RIMS SIG mobility is undertaking a survey to investigate how the pandemic has affected physical activity (physiotherapy, exercise and/or leisure activities) for people with Multiple Sclerosis. The Principal Investigator of this study is Dr Blathin Casey who is leading this survey in Ireland.

What will the study involve? The study will involve a survey on your experiences with physical activity participation (physiotherapy, exercise and/or leisure activities) both before the COVID pandemic and in current times. The study includes a mixture of both multiple choice questions and boxes for you to write answers in, and should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. There are 73 questions in total.
Who has approved this study?  This study has been reviewed and received ethical approval from the University of Limerick, Faculty of Education and Health Sciences research ethics committee. You may have a copy of this approval if you request it from the principal investigator.

Why have you been asked to take part? You have been asked because you have the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.
Do you have to take part? No, you are under no obligation whatsoever to take part in this research. It is entirely up to you to decide whether or not you would like to take part. If you decide to do so, you will be asked to complete an electronic anonymised consent form. If you decide to take part, you are still free to withdraw at any time without giving a reason.

What information will be collected? Information on your age group, gender and disease duration and severity will be collected. This is followed by questions concerning your physical activity (physiotherapy, exercise and/or leisure activities) both prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and now.

Will your participation in the study be kept confidential?  Yes, all information that is collected about you during the course of the research will be kept confidential. The surveys are designed in such a way that you cannot be identified from the data that you provide, and therefore is completely anonymous.

Please remember not to add any information that might identify you or another person (for example names of people or places) when you are replying in comments boxes.
What will happen to the information which you give? All the information you provide will be inputted in a digital database. This database will be kept by the principal investigator of the study. Additionally, this database will be shared with the SIG mobility group of the RIMS network based in Belgium at Hasselt University, in order to undergo analysis from all of the countries involved. The datasets will be destroyed within 20 years.

What will happen to the results? Once we have analysed all the responses from all participants in the questionnaire we will create a summary report and disseminate it within the Rehabilitation in MS network annual meeting, and will be published in scientific journals, or National or International conferences. On request, a copy of the research findings will be made available to you upon request to the primary investigator.

What are the possible disadvantages of taking part? We do not envisage any negative consequences for you in taking part in this research.
Please click next to proceed to the next section where you can find out how to get more information about the survey and chose to take part

Question Title

* 1. Any further queries?  If you need any further information, you can contact Dr Susan Coote or 0860364109.

If you agree to take part in the study, please proceed to the next section. When filling in the survey, please do not disclose any information that can identify you.

This research study has received Ethics approval from the Education and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee 2021_03_09

If you have any concerns about this study and wish to contact someone independent you may contact the Chairman Education and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee

EHS Faculty Office, University of Limerick

Tel (061) 234101

Email :

7% of survey complete.