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Accela Session Survey
What do you like the most about our new permitting and records management software?
What are the biggest challenges you face when submitting online applications through our software?
What are the biggest challenges you face when checking the status of your applications through our software?
What topics do want us to cover in our 2-hour training sessions ?
Creating an ACA Account
Uploading documents to Plan Room
Resubmitting Plans to Plan Room
Uploading documents
Naming documents /selecting document types
Scheduling an inspection
Responding to a Planner, Plan Reviewer, Inspector, or Permit Specialist
Accessing Plan Review Comments and seeing the red-lined plans
Managing Contacts
Other (please specify)
Which applications do you submit? Check all that apply.
Commercial Electrical Permit
Commercial New Construction
Commercial Additions-Alterations Permit
Commercial Mechanical Permit
Commercial Plumbing Permit
Commercial Sign Permit
Residential Additions-Alterations Permit
Residential Electrical Permit
Residential Land Disturbance Permit
Residential Mechanical Permit
Residential New Construction Permit
Residential Plumbing Permit
Plat Review
Subdivision Final Plat
Development Review
Other (please specify)
Which Session(s) will you be attending?
April 17th -Development Permits /Platting 1:30PM to 3:30PM
April 18th-Commercial 9AM to 11AM
April 18th- Residential Permits & All Trades 1:30PM to 3:30PM
Please provide contact name and email