Podcast Listener Survey

1.How long have you been listening to the podcast and how did you discover it?
2.How often do you listen to our podcast?
3.What types of content do you enjoy the most? Select all that apply.
4.What do you like the most about our podcast?
5.What improvements would you suggest for our podcast?
6.How would you rate the overall quality of our podcast?
7.Would you be interested in hearing an author interview when the author has appeared on multiple similar podcasts?
8.If you are not already a Patreon subscriber, what extra content or changes to the show would make you concider becoming one?
9.Is there anything else you would like to say to us about the podcast?
10.We would love to know more about you. Is there anything you would like to share about yourself? (Work/Hobbies/Background/Interests, etc)