Are you an iguana or a border collie?
Understanding and embracing the type of activities you need to disengage from stress—your Stress Recovery Personality—is essential to stress-proofing.
Some of us play for just one team. We are on Team Iguana or Team Border Collie. Others mix it up. The trick to stress recovery is making sure your needs are being met.

The following quiz will help you determine if you are an iguana, a border collie, or somewhere in between.

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* 1. Imagine it is a Tuesday night. You miraculously have left work at 5:30 and have two hours of free time. If you have children, Mary Poppins is in town and will put them to bed. You don’t have to finish any work, and you don’t have to make dinner for anyone if you don’t want to. How would you like to spend that time?

Would you like to:

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* 2. 2. It is Friday night and—again—if you have children, Mary Poppins has taken them to her house for a sleepover. How would you like to spend that time?

Would you like to:

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* 3. 3. It is Saturday afternoon, and it is a beautiful day. How would you like to spend that time?

Does your day include:

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* 4. It is late Sunday morning and another beautiful day. Where would you spend the next few hours?

Are you:

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* 5. On vacation, what type of activity would you most enjoy?

Would you: