My Sustainable Living Challenge - Participants Sign-up

My Sustainable Living Challenge (MSLC) is an online gamified learning platform that encourages behavioural change toward sustainable lifestyles. Throughout six weeks, participants will learn about sustainability, system change, and the impact of their lifestyles across domains such as food, housing, mobility, consumption, and leisure.

In 2024, UNEP, Go4SDGS and UNSSC are proud to introduce a special global edition of the My Sustainable Living Challenge targeted at universities and youth organizations. Thanks to UNEP’s generous support, MSLC 2024 edition is offering 2,000 scholarships.

How to register:
1) Form a team of 7-10 people either enrolled in the same university or affiliated to the same youth organization.
2) Choose a team captain, who will be responsible for filling out this form and communicating with the organization.
3) The team captain should collect the information of the team and fill out this form.
4) Wait for a confirmation e-mail to be sent by 20 July 2024.

Please refer to our F.A.Q for further information.

Ps: This registration form is for the English version. If you would like to join the MSLC in another language please refer to these registration links: Spanish, French, Russian.