On behalf of Minerals Sports Club, we would like to thank you for your membership. We hope that you are enjoying all of our offerings, and would appreciate your responses to the questions below.

Question Title

* 1. Please check which offering at Minerals Sports Club is most important to you:

Question Title

* 2. How would you rate your overall membership?

Question Title

* 3. Satisfaction with various aspects of your membership:

  Excellent Good Neutral Below Expectations Poor N/A
Cardio and weight training floor
Fitness and yoga classes
Indoor & outdoor pools
Sauna & steam room
Personal training
Perks & discounts
Social events

Question Title

* 4. Satisfaction with member experience:

  Excellent Good Neutral Below Expectations Poor N/A
Overall  cleanliness
Member services
Locker & Shower facilities
Equipment maintenance
Food & Beverage Offerings
Club Staff

Question Title

* 5. Overall

Question Title

* 6. Is there any additional feedback you would like share with us?

Question Title

* 7. Please provide your contact information (cell phone or email) if you would like to hear back from us.