MSBA Member Survey (Fall 2020)
MSBA Member Survey (Fall 2020)
Thousands of attorneys have accessed the MSBA’s virtual meetings and 24,000 hours of free online learning opportunities. We’d like to ask you five questions about your virtual engagement. Thank you for your responses.
Which statement most closely aligns with your perspective?
Virtual meetings and virtual learning are critical and should not be diminished even when in person meetings become possible.
I prefer in person meetings and learning opportunities, including CLE, whenever possible.
I would attend in person but there are not enough MSBA options near me.
I have no preference for virtual or in person so long as content is compelling
If you selected C above, please fill in your county in Maryland or your state (if non-Maryland resident).
How has the MSBA's shift to virtual offerings been beneficial to you?
What would you like to see the MSBA focus on in the coming months?
Have you participated in any MSBA online meetings or virtual programming?
If you answered Yes, please identify the most valuable program you attended and describe how you benefitted from the experience.
The MSBA is the second lowest cost state Bar in the country yet still offers dozens of direct and indirect benefits and other reasons to belong. During the pandemic, it has also offered most on-demand/online CLE at no extra cost. If we made this a permanent part of the membership benefits, what is your willingness to pay a slightly higher dues rate?
I would be willing to pay an extra $10/year to receive most CLE at no cost.
I would be willing to pay an extra $15/year to receive most CLE at no cost.
I would be willing to pay an extra $20/year to receive most CLE at no cost.
I don’t believe we should give CLE away and charge a higher dues rate for that reason.
Current Progress,
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