Please score the below as most applicable to you

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* 1. I wait until the last minute to do things.

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* 2. I wait until a crisis arises or the semester has started before taking action.

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* 3. I avoid setting personal deadlines and sticking to them.

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* 4. I often do things quickly, but incorrectly, and then have to redo them.

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* 5. I spend a lot of time on routine and trivial things.

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* 6. I avoid setting a daily schedule for how I want to use my time.

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* 7. I am bad at establishing priorities. I treat everything as if it were equally

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* 8. I have a hard time saying no to requests or invitations.

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* 9. I often spend time socializing instead of working.

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* 10. I often get distracted and read things that aren’t essential to finishing the work at hand.

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* 11. I spend too much time on the phone or texting.

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* 12. I am guilty of not having clear goals or objectives for what I want to do.

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* 13. I rarely ask other people for help.

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* 14. I have trouble listening to or reading instructions on how to do things.

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* 15. I often find it difficult to begin a paper or project.

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* 16. I over-schedule and take on too many commitments.

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* 17. I start a task, put it aside, start another, put it aside, and continue doing this so that I rarely finish any one project.

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* 18. I pack my schedule so full that I don’t have time if an emergency arises.