YWCA St. John’s is invested in ensuring families have access to quality childcare. We have worked collaboratively with community partners to explore home-based daycare as a means to alleviate the childcare crisis while also supporting newcomer women as entrepreneurs. YWCA’s are also the second largest childcare provider in Canada and we are a part of a national movement advocating for affordable childcare.
We know access to childcare is limited despite the $10/day agreement. This impacts social and economic equity for women, gender-diverse folks, and families. We see this everyday in our programs. We also know the current childcare crisis is impacting access to decent work for ECE’s. This is all a part of gender equity.
Please complete this survey so we can build solutions that respond to community need.
Please note: Your responses are anonymous. You may skip any questions you do not wish to answer. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at info@ywcastjohns.ca or 709-726-9922.

Question Title

* 1. Where do you live?

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* 2. If in St. John's, where?

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* 3. Please share your gender identity.

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* 4. Do you identify as racialized?

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* 5. Do you identify as a newcomer or immigrant?

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* 6. Please share your parenting/family make up (select all that apply):

Question Title

* 7. What is your household income (before taxes are deducted)?

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* 8. Is $10/day childcare affordable for you and your family?

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* 9. If you currently have access to childcare, how much do you pay for childcare per week for your family?

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* 10. Based on your experience and observation, is there adequate and accessible child care services in your region?

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* 11. What are the biggest barriers to childcare for you (check all that apply)?

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* 12. Why do you require childcare?

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* 13. If you cannot access childcare, how does this impact you? Check all that apply and add what is missed.

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* 14. What hours do you require childcare? Please select all that apply.

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* 15. For what age group do you require full-time/part-time care? Please check all that apply.

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* 16. What kind of childcare do you typically use? Please select your three most used.

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* 17. How satisfied are you with your current childcare arrangement?

  Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Location of childcare
Quality of childcare
Hours of childcare
Cost of childcare

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* 18. What would be your preferred childcare arrangements? Please rank from most preferred to least preferred.

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* 19. If you have any additional comments you'd like to share with us, please include them below.