MRO is seeking nominations for the MRO Board of Directors Regional Director Seats, which expire on December 31, 2024. Please note that only individuals employed by an MRO member company may be nominated for this seat.

In filling this Regional Director position, the board is aware of persuasive current governance literature demonstrating companies with diverse boards outperform other companies. MRO will continue to seek talented and diverse candidates for this open board position.

Question Title

* 1. Nominee Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Nominee's Current Job Title:

Desired Skill Sets
  • MRO’s footprint reflects a changing resource mix with significant amounts of wind being generated in the Region. Candidates with a strong understanding of wind, solar, and/or distributed energy would add to the expertise of our board.
  • Experience in senior level human resource experience, demonstrated leadership in cross-sector groups within industry, and experience in corporate communications, marketing, or regulatory affairs would provide valuable expertise
  • Demonstrated experience with cyber is of particular value
  • MRO has a complex governance structure. Both its Industry Sector and Regional Entity Directors are employees of Member entities MRO regulates. In addition, MRO is simultaneously an independent corporation and part of the ERO Enterprise (NERC and the seven regions). Ultimately, MRO must also have approval of both NERC and FERC for matters such as budget, bylaw changes, and renewal of its Delegation Agreement. Directors must meet their fiduciary duties within this structure. Therefore, Regional Director Candidates who have CEO or governance experience working within the ERO or in organizations with comparable complexity would provide valuable expertise to the MRO board.

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* 3. Please describe how the Nominee meets the skill set described above.

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* 4. Qualifications: Please select Yes or No from the qualifications below.

  Yes No
The nominee's is in a senior management or officer position in their organization.
The nominee's organization is currently an MRO Member.
The nominee has reviewed MRO’s policies and procedures, including Policy and Procedure 5: Confidentiality Policy and Policy and Procedure 10: Conflict of Interest Policy and the nominee agrees to all of MRO's Policies and Procedures.
The nominee has reviewed the scheduled board meetings on the MRO website and is able to attend at least 75% of meetings currently scheduled for 2025.
The nominee is willing and able to follow the Guiding Principles for board members, as outlined in Policy and Procedure 1: MRO Board of Directors.

Question Title

* 5. Nominee Qualifications: Please upload a bio or resume, if you are unable to upload please email separately to

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Choose File

Question Title

* 6. Nominated By: Please provide your contact information. 
You may self-nominate. If self-nominating this area may be left blank. 

Please note there will also be a number of Industry Sector Director terms expiring later this year for which nominations will be solicited in the third quarter. At that time, MRO members will have the opportunity to vote on the directors nominated for positions on the MRO Board. Voting for Industry Sector Directors is done within the Industry Sector.

For more information on the desired qualifications for MRO Board Directors or for additional questions please contact Vice President General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Julie Peterson at