NSWA have introduced education for Paramedics through an ‘uplift’ program that will enhance skills of the P1. This enhancement is being introduced through the 2023 MCPD training.

Since 2010 NSWA have a history of introducing training and enhanced scope of practice without any remuneration for advanced skills. As a result, we are the lowest paid paramedics in the country. This clinical ‘uplift’ will further increase our responsibility and accountability with no increase in pay or professional recognition.

Our Professional Recognition campaign has shown that the skills and knowledge of paramedics is equivalent with other health professionals. The ‘uplift’ program provides further evidence that we deserve a parity wage with clinical nurse specialists. There is currently no offer of a fair wage for these improvements.

Question Title

* 1. As part of the Professional Recognition Campaign, would you be willing to defer your ‘uplift’ training component of the MCPD until the time that the Premier formally responds to our proposal for professional recognition and wage parity with other health professionals?

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* 2. Are you a registered Paramedic?

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* 3. Is most of your work time spent on the road as an operational Paramedic?

This campaign will require involvement and communication from members to the community and government.

Question Title

* 4. Rate the effectiveness of the following messaging tactics from 1 to 5, where 1 is least effective and 5 most effective.

  1 - Least effective 2 3 4 5 - Most effective
Chalking ambulances
Petitions to the community
Letters to MPs
Uniform adjustments (e.g. yellow vest, campaign badges)
Rally of members (e.g. Parliament House)
Social media

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* 5. Rate your willingness to participate in each of these tactics, where 1 is least willing and 5 is most willing.

  1 - Least willing 2 3 4 5 - Most willing
Chalking ambulances
Petitions to the community
Letters to MPs
Uniform adjustments (e.g. yellow vest, campaign badges)
Rally of members (e.g. Parliament House)
Social media

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* 6. Do you feel strongly about Paramedic professional recognition and wage parity and want to get involved in the campaign?

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* 7. Your details