Patients living with chronic or complex diseases have benefited in recent years from innovative biological medicines, which are manufactured from living cells and highly effective for many patients. Today, there are even more options on the market with so-called Biosimilars, which are biological medicines approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) as “highly similar” to an original biologic therapy.
Like many states, New York enacted a law that permits a pharmacist to substitute an FDA-approved biosimilar for an original biologic therapy, provided there is notice to the prescribing physician within 5 days of the substitution. With that law expiring in 2022, and the State Legislature likely to consider an extension or changes to that law, there is a great need for MSSNY to learn about physicians’ experiences with the application of this law, as well as their experiences regarding health insurers’ similar or disparate coverage of innovator and biosimilar therapies.
To help us better understand this growing area of medicine from your perspective as physicians, we need your help and less than 5 minutes of your time by taking this very brief survey today.